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Review Policy

Genres: I am open to traditionally published literary fiction, poetry and some non-fiction (pitch me). Feel free to check out my GoodReads books if you want a better sense of what I am into. I do prefer to review books written by authors who identify as women, non-binary, queer, as well as people of color.


Preferred Format: I prefer physical ARCs as it enables to me to more readily highlight and take notes in preparation for drafting a review, but I can accept electronic formats that work with iPad/Kindle.


No Strings Attached: Sending ARCs costs money. I appreciate that and accordingly will only accept publications that I intend on reading and reviewing in a timely manner. That being said, I only accept publications with no strings attached and I do not guarantee a review.


Still think I'm a good fit? If so, contact me with a summary of the work and any publishing house parameters.

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